I enjoy studying with my teachers and truly love class practice. But like me, at some point in your journey, you may also want a practice that goes where you do ~ beyond the confines of the classroom.
You may be away from your favourite teacher, might be faced with circumstances where you may not be able to make it to class or just would like a breather from guided practice.
How do you design a practice suitable for you? Luckily it is not rocket science. Here are some pointers:
Start where you are
Begin with what you enjoy and know well
Synchronise movement with breathing
Remain playful and happy
Combine the suggested sequences ( view slideshow) or others that you like, and do what feels appropriate for you in the present moment.
Add your favourite music and simply move
Have a sense of humour and carry on
On days you feel particularly energetic, add new elements like arm balances or a new asana you find challenging and spend time exploring it.
On days that seem tough, just do what you can. Do more forward bends, restorative and deeply relaxing practices.
Close your practice with shavasana and some quiet seated practice.
Your mat or the ground beneath you can always be the safe space where you can always return to remain alert, present, aware and mindful.
The teacher within is your strongest guide, and best friend ~ do take time to listen once in a while!