A variation of Halasana or “plough”pose, gives all the benefits of practice without undue strain. Here, I have used a support under the feet to add height so as to reduce compression the cervical spine. If you cannot breathe easily then keep the feet slightly apart.
This is known to calm the nervous system, increase blood circulation and keep the back supple. The supported version provides an opportunity to pause and reset the body, rejuvenate it.
The pose is also considered important to bring balance to thyroxin and adrenaline secretions. Teachers also include this pose to help lengthen exhalations and improve respiration.
More advanced level of practice could include the entire “halasana” series: karnapidasana, garbhapindaasana, or padmasana version of this pose.
Avoid this if you have issues in the cervical spine.
Counter pose to this one is matsyasana or fish pose, to release the neck and upper back.